During the use of the application, you will be required to communicate personal data to us. Our company, SAS AB CREATION registered with the CAEN Trade and Companies Register under number 848 306 767, is solely competent to determine the use that will be made of your personal data.
Data relating to your civil status (Civility, Surname, First name, Date of birth), your pseudonym, your email address and 2 photos.
Your location will be recorded continuously only while you are using the app. In the event that your application is in the background or closed, we will use your last retained location when using the "target location" function or when using certain wildcards.
All exchanges between you and us may be recorded, whether e-mails, SMS, telephone calls or even the use of our website in accordance with the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data.
The answers given to the closed questionnaire will be transmitted to other users within the framework of the game. These answers will also be grouped together with those of all the participants in order to obtain anonymous data which may be communicated to our commercial partners.
We will also collect your game choices, your actions in the game. This data will be analyzed in order to improve the services we offer you.
We also record your performance, namely the number of people you have found and the number of people who have found you in order to be able to establish a ranking. The different rankings can be consulted by other users, and they can also be published on social networks. The only data transmitted in these rankings are first names (or nicknames), rank and earnings.
We keep a history of your conversations. They will be consulted by our employees only in the case of a report from another player.
You also grant us the ability to collect information about your phone (use of other applications, third-party software, etc.). This information is used to prevent or interrupt any fraudulent practices in order to harm our application or to cheat. This information could also allow us to provide you with technical support.
We will also use your e-mail address to communicate with you, about updates, changes to the contract, transmission of amendments, also in the event of reporting your behavior or non-compliance with the conditions of use. In the event that you have won a gift, we will send you an email in which the procedures for recovering it will be described.
We may need to disclose your personal information in the light of legal (or regulatory) obligations or when you have seriously harmed the company and we believe that it is necessary to take legal action.
Other users, in the context of the game as seen previously, this concerns:
Our independent sales agents so that they can offer you a better service. They will be required to consult them to carry out game analyses, organize different types of games, for technical support, react to reports made by other users or by our company. All of our independent commercial agents have signed contracts, certain provisions of which govern the use made of your personal data.
Our service providers may need to have access to your personal data, in order to ensure the proper functioning of the game, in particular in the event of maintenance of the game, moderation (mainly in the discussion platforms), technical support, verification the smooth running of financial transactions. We ensure that the use made of personal data is limited to what is provided by our company, mainly through contractual provisions.
For the parties in which there will be prizes to be won, we call on partners to whom we will communicate the personal data of the beneficiaries of their service. Among these personal data there will be the surname, first name, email and profile photo, which will allow our partners to carry out a check by verifying that the beneficiary was indeed using a photo resembling him during the game in which he won his prize.
Some anonymous data (grouping of personal data) may be transmitted to our business partners for informational or marketing purposes.
All personal data is stored on servers located in Europe.
We have delegated the storage of your data to a specialized company in order to guarantee the best possible protection.
We also ensure that all persons to whom we grant access to your personal data undertake to respect a duty of confidentiality.
We may keep your personal data for a maximum of 3 years after which it will either be anonymized or deleted.
You waive the right to oppose the processing of your personal data and you agree that they may be kept for a period of up to three years after the closure of your account.
If you have any questions about the use made of your personal data and your rights, you can contact us at the following email address: contact@ozhers.fr. You can also contact our external DPO to consult or modify any of the information relating to your personal data by sending an email to pierre@rezaa.group. We will try to provide you with answers to any of your questions, please note that you can contact the competent administrative authority for the protection of personal data (the Commission Nationale Informatiques et Libertés (CNIL) for France) in order to find out about your rights and respect due to them.
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
The use made of your personal data can be modified in whole or in part, by an amendment which can only be the result of our company. In this case the new contract will be sent to you by email and will replace the old one within 7 days, your continued use of the application will be considered as acceptance of the amendment.
You wish to leave the OZHERS adventure and delete your user account, two possibilities:
- Either from the application, in the “my account” area. Simply click on “Delete account”, then answer “YES” to the question “Are you sure you want to delete your account?”. Your account will be deleted (in less than 24 hours).
- Either from the email box linked to your user account on the OZHERS application, send us an email to the following address: contact@ozhers.com, specifying the following subject: “delete my account” (You have the choice to tell us the reasons for deleting your account or simply leave the email empty).
As soon as we receive your email, we will send you a confirmation request within a maximum of 24 hours (this is to avoid any handling errors because the deletion of your account will be final and irreversible).
You will then just have to answer yes to our confirmation request and your account will be deleted (in less than 24 hours).